How can I ensure my vision for the use of funds is safeguarded over time?

U.S. charitable law and IRS regulations provide charities with significant flexibility to fulfill their charitable missions. While this flexibility is beneficial, it also means that charities may evolve away from your original vision.

We are dedicated to safeguarding “donor intent.” We employ several effective tools to ensure your philanthropic vision endures:

  • Grant Parameters and Agreements: We can establish grant parameters and require the recipient charity to sign a grant agreement. This approach places some reporting responsibilities on the charity but is a common and reliable method to ensure that your funds are used in alignment with your specific intentions.
  • Endowed Funds: Alternatively, we can create an endowed fund benefiting the recipient charity and dedicated to a specific cause. This strategic approach allows us flexibility to redirect funding should the charity ever deviate from your intended mission, ensuring your vision remains intact.

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